Home of the 2020 Scottish Girls’ Open Championship

Office & Shop Opening Hours Winter 2024/25

Monday – Friday

8am to 4pm


7.30am, or 30 minutes before start of club competition, to 2pm


8am to 2pm

These hours may be subject to change.


Monday Bank Holidays Office & Shop opening hours 8am-3pm. Excluding Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years holidays.

Gents Wednesday Medal. Office & Shop will open 30 minutes before first tee time.

If the Office is closed all green fees must be paid for prior to play at the bar.

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Home » Course News » Captains May Update

Captains May Update

Captains Report

As we get into the new season, I would like to thank the members who played on opening day. Thank you for your support it’s a privilege and honour to be Captain for this year.

Thanks to George, Allan, Stephen, Liam and the greens committee who have worked very hard to get the course in a great condition considering the wet weather this year. Hopefully the weather will improve.

It is always a delicate balancing act to manage the club finances alongside our commitment to improve and develop the club. We have been prudent over the last few years and have built up our bank reserves. This year we have completed the lounge area roof and removed the leaky skylights from the gent locker area. The storm damage has necessitated the replacement of the lower roof on the gent locker area. This is currently with the club insurers.

We have 2 projects to complete: The exterior painting of the club house and the installation of a renewable power source i.e. Solar panels with a battery bank.

The overwhelming feedback from the Scottish Girls Open, visitors and members has been positive of the course. This includes their catering experience and service from the office. Thanks to all the club staff for their efforts and to all the members who volunteer at the club.

A big thank you to all the ladies for the work on their charity day. A fantastic effort with over £2000 raised. A race night will be held later in the year for my charities.

Lastly, please continue to respect your course. Repair divots and pitch marks. Respect the golfer behind rake the bunkers and replace the rake correctly. Keep trolleys and buggies off the aprons, greens and tees. Course etiquette should be extended to all other players.


Les Holliday

Club Captain 2024