Home of the 2020 Scottish Girls’ Open Championship

Office & Shop Opening Hours Winter 2024/25

Monday – Friday

8am to 4pm


7.30am, or 30 minutes before start of club competition, to 2pm


8am to 2pm

These hours may be subject to change.


Monday Bank Holidays Office & Shop opening hours 8am-3pm. Excluding Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years holidays.

Gents Wednesday Medal. Office & Shop will open 30 minutes before first tee time.

If the Office is closed all green fees must be paid for prior to play at the bar.

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Home » Course News » Sudden Thaw Dynamics

Sudden Thaw Dynamics

The information below illustrates what happens to the course when we have a sudden thaw.

The quick thaw makes the golf course susceptible to a phenomenon known as root shear.  The warmer weather will begin to thaw the ground from the top down, creating a soft surface with a frozen layer below. When the ground receives traffic, the surface will shift slightly and the top roots are torn away from the frozen layer.

The fact that our members enjoy playing and appreciate all year-round golf is one of the most rewarding parts of Powfoot Golf Club Membership.  However, we want everyone to be aware of why we may cancel play on certain days and for you to better understand the affect that these ground conditions can have on the coming seasons play.  We thank you for your understanding and support.

Powfoot Greens Committee

January 11 2021